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; *******************************************************************
; * *
; * pcANYWHERE sample script "SAMPLE.SCR" *
; * Copyright 1998-1999 Symantec Corporation *
; * Created by Larry R. McDowall *
; * *
; *******************************************************************
; *****************
; Introduction Describes the purpose of this script.
; How This Script Works Brief description of what this script does.
; Setup and Installation How to install and use this script.
; Support How to obtain support for this script.
; Main Body of Script The script's code and subroutines.
; Technical Overview This appears after the main body of the script.
; This section includes extensive descriptions
; of how this script works.
; ************
; The purpose of this script is to illustrate how to use key procedures
; in the pcANYWHERE Scripting Language. For more information on these
; procedures, please refer to the Technical Overview at the end of this
; script.
; The following procedures are included in this script:
; * How to check for errors and lost connections.
; * How to schedule a script.
; * How to run a script from a command line.
; * How to use a log file.
; * How to use a data file to call multiple hosts using a modem.
; * How to transfer a file.
; * How to run a program.
; * How to pause a script while a program runs.
; *********************
; The following describes how this script works:
; 1. Create or open the log file LOG.PCA, the host data file HOSTS.PCA,
; and the sample application SCRIPT.BAT.
; 2. Read the next host computer's name to call from the DATA.PCA file.
; 3. Call the next host computer using a modem as read from the DATA.PCA
; file.
; 4. Transfer the remote computer's C:\SCRIPT.BAT file to the host
; computer's C: drive.
; 5. Delete the flag file PCA.FLG on both the remote and host computers
; if it exists on either of them.
; 6. Run the SCRIPT.BAT file on the host computer.
; 7. Pause the script while the SCRIPT.BAT file runs. The script loops
; looking for the existence of the new PCA.FLG file that the SCRIPT.BAT
; file will create once it is finished.
; 8. After the script detects the PCA.FLG file which indicates that the
; SCRIPT.BAT file has finished, disconnect from the host computer.
; 9. If there are more host computers to call, the script goes back to
; number 2 and continues until there are no more hosts to call.
; 10. The script closes the LOG.PCA and DATA.PCA files. If any errors
; occurred while the script ran, the LOG.PCA file is displayed using
; the Notepad application from Windows.
; 11. The script ends.
; **********************
; Step 1. Use a supported version of pcANYWHERE on both the remote and
; host computers. Apply any updates for each from the Symantec
; web site or BBS. This script supports the following pcANYWHERE
; versions running on the specified operating systems:
; * pcAnywhere 9.0 for Windows 95/98, and Windows NT 4.0.
; * pcANYWHERE32 8.0 for Windows 95/98 and Windows NT 4.0/3.51.
; * pcANYWHERE 2.0 for Windows 3.1 and Windows 95.
; * pcANYWHERE 5.0 for DOS.
; * Scripts running between pcAnywhere 9.0 or pcANYWHERE32 8.0 to
; pcANYWHERE 5.0 are not currently supported. For more
; information, please refer to the Symantec Knowledge Base
; document "How to Write a Script from pcANYWHERE32 to a DOS-
; based pcANYWHERE".
; * NOTE: Any version of pcANYWHERE other than those listed above
; are not supported. If you experience issues when using an old
; version of pcANYWHERE, it is strongly recommended to upgrade
; to a current version.
; Step 2. Copy this script to your pcANYWHERE program directory on the
; remote computer.
; Step 3. There will be one host that will be called twice using a modem,
; named "MODEM". This remote control item requires the host
; computer's modem number, along with a logon name and password
; (if applicable).
; * pcAnywhere 9.0 and pcANYWHERE32 8.0 already have a MODEM item
; located under the "Remote Control" area. Enter your host's
; modem number in it's Properties section under the Settings
; tab.
; * All other versions of pcANYWHERE will need to have the MODEM
; remote control item created and then have the host's modem
; number entered into its properties.
; Step 4. The host computer must be put into "waiting" mode, waiting for
; an incoming call from the remote computer. Ensure that the
; modem line used by the host does not have any other device, such
; as a fax machine or voice mail, attached to it.
; Step 5. Run the script from pcANYWHERE on your remote computer.
; *******
; This script is provided as-is. pcANYWHERE Technical Support may answer
; specific questions about a specific script command, but they cannot
; assist you in troubleshooting or programming this or other scripts.
; Support may or may not be given if you modify this script in any
; way, and then have issues using it. (Does the script work without
; modifying it?) However, pcANYWHERE Technical Support does offer a Script
; Consulting service which can help you troubleshoot or program a script.
; Additional information about how to write or troubleshoot a script can
; be found in the Symantec Knowledge Base. The following documents are
; important resources there:
; * "How to Obtain Support for the pcANYWHERE Scripting Language"
; * "pcANYWHERE Scripting Language Technical Documents"
; * "How to Write a Script to Connect to a Host Computer"
; * "How to Write a Script to Connect to an Online Service"
; * "How to Troubleshoot a Script"
; * "How to Transfer Files to or From a Host Computer Using a Script"
; * "How to Transfer Files to or From an Online Service Using a Script"
; Updates to this script can be found on the Symantec web site, at:
; Symantec
; www.symantec.com
; Script Consulting provides two levels of support for your pcANYWHERE
; Scripting Language needs:
; 1. Script Consulting and Troubleshooting. This is a fee-based service.
; This service covers answering advanced questions about how to use
; the Scripting Language or how to program it, and also provides
; troubleshooting for a script that you have written.
; 2. Script Programming. This is a fee-based service where a Script
; Consultant will program a script for you to your specifications.
; If you are interested in obtaining Script Consulting or Programming, you
; may contact pcANYWHERE Technical Support and request that a Script
; Consultant contact you to discuss your needs. Please contact our
; StandardCare support number for this service:
; pcANYWHERE StandardCare Support: (541) 465-8430
; *******************************************************************
; VARIABLES - Declares variables for the script to use.
; *******************************************************************
Integer ERR_COUNT ; Total number of errors during script.
Integer I ; Increments to allow script to pause.
Integer LOOP ; Sets total number of loops to use.
Integer RES ; Sets success/failure of a subroutine.
String CDIR[255] ; Sets the working directory.
String CDIR2[255] ; The secondary string for the work dir.
String ERR[255] ; Stores $ERROR value if error occurs.
String ERR_AMOUNT[255] ; Allows log file to save $ERROR value.
String HOST[255] ; Name of the host computer to call.
String LOG[255] ; The primary log description.
String LOG2[255] ; The secondary log description.
String SOURCE[255] ; Source file name to file transfer.
CDIR = $CURDIR ; Assign CDIR to the working directory.
StrLen CDIR ; Check for root drive.
If $RESULT == 3 Then SubStr CDIR 1 2 CDIR ; If root, remove "\" in path name.
; *******************************************************************
; MAIN - Controls branching to subroutines.
; *******************************************************************
; NOTE 1: If you want the script to schedule itself to begin execution at a
; later date and time than when you run it, remove the semicolon to the left of
; the "Wait Until 2359" command found at the beginning of the MAIN
; subroutine.
; By default, the script will then begin execution at 11:59 PM on the same day
; it was run. You may want to change the time to start from 2359 to something a
; few minutes from when you will be testing the script. Use 24-hour format for
; the time.
; A script runs on the same day it is launched with this method. If you assign
; the time to be 0000, midnight, then the script will not run, but will stay
; as a black terminal window (its dormant mode until it would have normally
; started). This is because midnight has already occurred today. Instead, use
; 2359 or a similar "near-midnight" time for the current day, as in the
; example above.
; If you have pcANYWHERE32 8.0, 8.01, or 8.02, and you want to use the Wait
; Until command without a date parameter, then you should apply a special
; update to pcANYWHERE32 to enable it to work with just the time parameter.
; Otherwise, the script will not start at the specified time. With this update,
; a script can be run each day, without having to change the date, and then
; start at the prespecified time. This update can be found here:
; FTP Location for AWSCR32.DLL File
; ftp://ftp.symantec.com/public/english_us_canada/products/pcanywhere/
; pcanywhere32/beta/AWSCR32.DLL
; Note that the file name is required to be uppercase, whereas the other part
; of the link does not have to be.
; To install this, simply copy it over the original AWSCR32.DLL file, in the
; pcANYWHERE32 directory. (Make sure that pcANYWHERE32 is not running when you
; do this.)
; For more information on how to schedule a script, please refer to the sections
; "How to Schedule a Script Using a Third Party Scheduler" and "How to Program a
; Script to Schedule Itself" which are both found in the Technical Overview at
; the end of the script.
; NOTE 2: If you do not want the script to display the log file if errors
; occurred, add a semicolon to the left of the "If ERR_COUNT > 0 THEN GoSub
; @DISPLAY_LOG" command line near the end of the MAIN subroutine.
; Please refer to the DISPLAY_LOG subroutine for information on how to configure
; the display of the log file.
@MAIN: ; The primary subroutine of the script.
; Wait Until 2359 ; Schedules script to start at 11:59 PM.
GoSub @OPEN_FILES ; Opens necessary files.
If RES == 1 GoTo @MAIN_END ; If cannot open log file, abort script.
If RES == 2 GoTo @MAIN_CLOSE ; If cannot open other files, end script.
@MAIN_CALL_HOSTS: ; Main subroutine that controls and calls
; other subroutines.
RES = 0 ; Reset subroutine success/failure.
GoSub @NEXT_HOST ; Read next host to call from DATA.PCA.
If RES == 1 GoTo @MAIN_CLOSE ; If no more hosts to call, end script.
GoSub @CALL_HOST ; Call the next host.
If RES == 1 GoTo @MAIN_CALL_HOSTS ; If call to host failed, call next host.
GoSub @TRANSFER_FILE ; Transfer the SCRIPT.BAT file to host.
If RES == 1 GoTo @MAIN_DISCONNECT ; If error, disconnect and call next host.
If RES == 2 GoTo @MAIN_CALL_HOSTS ; If lost connection, call next host.
GoSub @RUN_FILE ; Run the SCRIPT.BAT on the host.
If RES == 1 GoTo @MAIN_CALL_HOSTS ; If lost connection, call next host.
@MAIN_DISCONNECT: ; Subroutine used to disconnect from host.
LOG = "Disconnecting from host '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG HOST ; Add host's name to the description.
StrCat LOG "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
If $DCD !=1 Then GoSub @LOST_CONNECTION ; Lost connection.
If $DCD == 1 Then Session End ; Disconnect from the host.
GoTo @MAIN_CALL_HOSTS ; Call the next host.
@MAIN_CLOSE: ; Subroutine used to end the script.
ERR_AMOUNT = ERR_COUNT ; Convert ERR_COUNT to a string.
LOG = "Script completed with " ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG ERR_AMOUNT ; Add total errors that occurred.
LOG2 = " error(s)." ; Add " errors(s)." to the description.
StrCat LOG LOG2 ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
Close 1 ; Close the log file.
Close 2 ; Close the DATA.PCA file.
@MAIN_END: ; Subroutine used to end the script.
If ERR_COUNT > 0 Then GoSub @DISPLAY_LOG ; If any errors, display log file.
End ; End the script.
; *******************************************************************
; OPEN FILES - Opens or creates necessary files for script to use.
; *******************************************************************
@OPEN_FILES: ; Subroutine used to create log file.
Find First ".\LOG.PCA" ; Try to find the LOG.PCA file.
If $RESULT == 1 GoTo @OPEN_FILES_LOG_DATA_SCRIPT ; If found, open log file.
Create 1 ".\LOG.PCA" "W" ; If not found, create it.
Write Line 1 "**** pcANYWHERE Script Log File ****" ; Add title.
Close 1 ; Close the log file.
@OPEN_FILES_LOG_DATA_SCRIPT: ; Subroutine used to open necessary files.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
Open 1 ".\LOG.PCA" "W" ; Open the log file.
ERR = $ERROR ; Assign ERR the value of $ERROR.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @OPEN_FILES_ERROR_LOG ; If error, abort the script.
Seek 1 0 2 ; Position the pointer to end of file.
Write Line 1 " " ; Write a blank line.
LOG = "Starting script." ; Create log description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
Create 2 ".\DATA.PCA" "W" ; Create the HOSTS.PCA file.
ERR = $ERROR ; Assign ERR the value of $ERROR.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @OPEN_FILES_ERROR_DATA ; If error, end the script.
Write Line 2 "MODEM" ; Write 1st name of host to call.
Write Line 2 "MODEM" ; Write 2nd name of host to call.
Close 2 ; Close the DATA.PCA file.
Open 2 ".\DATA.PCA" "R" ; Open DATA.PCA file for read-only.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
Create 3 "C:\SCRIPT.BAT" "W" ; Create the SCRIPT.BAT file.
ERR = $ERROR ; Assign ERR the value of $ERROR.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @OPEN_FILES_ERROR_SCRIPT ; If error, end the script.
Write Line 3 "@ECHO OFF" ; Write "@ECHO OFF" to the file.
Write Line 3 "C:" ; Write "C:" to the file.
Write Line 3 "CD \" ; Write "CD \" to the file.
Write Line 3 "DIR /A" ; Write "DIR /A" to the file.
Write Line 3 "DIR >PCA.FLG" ; Write "DIR >PCA.FLG" to the file.
Close 3 ; Close the SCRIPT.BAT file.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to success.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@OPEN_FILES_ERROR_LOG: ; Subroutine used if cannot open log.
LOG = "Error " ; Create a message description.
StrCat LOG ERR ; Add $ERROR value.
StrCat LOG " while accessing the LOG.PCA file." ; End message.
Type Line LOG ; Display the message.
Wait 10 ; Wait 10 seconds.
RES = 1 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@OPEN_FILES_ERROR_DATA: ; Subroutine used if cannot open DATA.PCA.
LOG2 = "while accessing the DATA.PCA file." ; Create log description.
GoSub @ERROR ; Add the error number.
RES = 2 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@OPEN_FILES_ERROR_SCRIPT: ; Subroutine used if cannot open
LOG2 = "while accessing the SCRIPT.BAT file." ; Create description.
GoSub @ERROR ; Add the error number.
RES = 2 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; NEXT HOST - Read the next host computer to call from data file.
; *******************************************************************
@NEXT_HOST: ; Subroutine used to read next host
; to call.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
Read Line 2 HOST ; Assign HOST to the next host to call.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @NEXT_HOST_DONE ; If error, end the script.
StrLen HOST ; Check if HOST value is valid.
If $RESULT < 1 GoTo @NEXT_HOST_DONE ; If error, end the script.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to success.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@NEXT_HOST_DONE: ; Subroutine used if no more hosts to call.
RES = 1 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; CALL HOST - Calls the next host computer.
; *******************************************************************
@CALL_HOST: ; Subroutine used to call the next host.
Session Retry 3 ; Retry calling a host three times.
Session Delay 1 ; Wait one minute before redialing.
LOG = "Calling host '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG HOST ; Add the host name.
StrCat LOG "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
Wait 5 ; Used to wait five seconds before dialing
; the host to enable it to correctly reset
; its modem.
Session Dial HOST ; Call the host computer.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @CALL_HOST_NO_CONNECTION ; If no connection, call
; next host.
LOG = "Successfully connected to host '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG HOST ; Add the host name to the description.
StrCat LOG "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to success.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@CALL_HOST_NO_CONNECTION: ; Subroutine used for no connection.
ERR_COUNT = ERR_COUNT + 1 ; Increment how many errors occurred.
LOG = "Error: unable to connect to host '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG HOST ; Add the host name.
StrCat LOG "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write description to the log.
RES = 1 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; TRANSFER FILE - Transfers a file from the remote to the host.
; *******************************************************************
@TRANSFER_FILE: ; Subroutine used to transfer a file.
SOURCE = "C:\SCRIPT.BAT" ; Assign the source name.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @TRANSFER_FILE_LOST ; If lost connection, call next host.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
SessOpr Remote Send SOURCE "C:\SCRIPT.BAT" ; Transfer file.
ERR = $ERROR ; Assign ERR the value of $ERROR.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @TRANSFER_FILE_ERROR ; If error, call next host.
LOG = "Transfer of '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG SOURCE ; Add the source file name.
LOG2 = "' was successful." ; Add "' was successful." to description.
StrCat LOG LOG2 ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to success.
GoSub @LOOP ; Allows time for file manager to reset.
; Needed for pcAnywhere 9.0 and
; pcANYWHERE32 8.0 only.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@TRANSFER_FILE_ERROR: ; Subroutine used if file transfer failed.
LOG2 = "while transferring '" ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG2 SOURCE ; Add the source file name.
StrCat LOG2 "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @ERROR ; Add the error number.
RES = 1 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
@TRANSFER_FILE_LOST: ; Subroutine used if lost connection.
GoSub @LOST_CONNECTION ; Create and save a log description.
RES = 2 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; RUN FILE - Runs a file on the host computer.
; *******************************************************************
@RUN_FILE: ; Subroutine used to run a file on host.
Del "C:\PCA.FLG" ; Delete flag file on remote.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @RUN_FILE_LOST ; If lost connection, call next host.
SessOpr Host Run "COMMAND.COM /C DEL C:\PCA.FLG" ; Delete on host.
GoSub @LOOP ; Pause script for five seconds.
LOG = "Executing 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host..." ; Create description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @RUN_FILE_LOST ; If lost connection, call next host.
GoSub @CHECK_FLAG ; Pause script while SCRIPT.BAT runs.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to success.
Return ; Return to MAIN subroutine.
@RUN_FILE_LOST: ; Subroutine used if lost connection.
GoSub @LOST_CONNECTION ; Create and save a log description.
RES = 1 ; Set return code to failure.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; WRITE LOG - Writes a description to the log file.
; *******************************************************************
@WRITE_LOG: ; Subroutine used to write log description.
Write String 1 $DATE ; Write the current date.
Write String 1 " " ; Write a blank space.
Write String 1 $TIME ; Write the current time.
Write String 1 " " ; Write a tab.
Write Line 1 LOG ; Write the log description.
Return ; Return to the calling subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; DISPLAY LOG - Displays the log file if any errors occurred.
; *******************************************************************
; NOTE: If you do not want the script to display the log file if errors
; occurred, add a semicolon to the left of the "If ERR_COUNT > 0 Then GoSub
; @DISPLAY_LOG" command line near the end of the MAIN subroutine.
; Information in the log file is added at the end of it each time the script
; runs. To view the last script session, you will need to go to the bottom of
; the log file after Notepad displays it. Use the Ctrl+End keystrokes or use the
; PageDown key to cycle down to the end.
; By default, Notepad will be used to display the log file. If the log file
; becomes too large, you will need to use an alternate text editor such as Write
; or WordPad. If your remote computer's operating system is DOS, you will need
; to use a DOS-based text editor such as the EDIT command. You may also need to
; specify the full path to the EDIT command instead of just it's file name.
@DISPLAY_LOG: ; Subroutine used to show log file.
CDIR2 = "NOTEPAD " ; Create beginning of the command.
StrCat CDIR2 CDIR ; Add the current working directory.
StrCat CDIR2 "\LOG.PCA" ; Add the log file name and end.
RUN CDIR2 ; Display log file.
Return ; Return to the MAIN subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; CHECK FLAG - Loops to pause the script until SCRIPT.BAT finishes.
; *******************************************************************
; NOTE 1: If you want to run a program on the remote computer and the script
; needs to pause while this program runs, the below procedure will need to be
; changed slightly. The command "SessOpr Host Send "C:\PCA.FLG" "C:\PCA.FLG""
; will need to be replaced with the commands:
; Find First "C:\PCA.FLG"
; This loops the subroutine if the C:\PCA.FLG file cannot be found on the remote
; computer.
@CHECK_FLAG: ; Subroutine used to pause the script.
LOOP = 0 ; Reset the value of LOOP to 0.
@CHECK_FLAG_FILE: ; Subroutine used find flag file.
GoSub @LOOP ; Pause script for five seconds.
LOOP = LOOP + 1 ; Increment the value of LOOP.
If LOOP == 24 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_ERROR ; If LOOP takes too long, abort.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_LOST ; If lost connection, end loop.
$ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
SessOpr Host Send "C:\PCA.FLG" "C:\PCA.FLG" ; Attempt file transfer.
If $ERROR == -8 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_FILE ; If file not found, loop.
If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_OTHER ; If other error, end loop.
LOG = "Execution of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host was successful."
; Create a log description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
Del "C:\PCA.FLG" ; Delete the flag file on the remote.
If $DCD != 1 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_LOST ; If lost connection, call next host.
SessOpr Host Run "COMMAND.COM /C DEL PCA.FLG" ; Delete on the host.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to neutral value.
Return ; Return to the RUN_FILE subroutine.
@CHECK_FLAG_ERROR: ; Subroutine used to time loop out.
ERR_COUNT = ERR_COUNT + 1 ; Increment how many errors occurred.
LOG = "Error: execution of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host timed out."
; Create a log description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to neutral value.
Return ; Return to the RUN_FILE subroutine.
@CHECK_FLAG_LOST: ; Subroutine used if lost connection.
GoSub @LOST_CONNECTION ; Create and save a log description.
RES = 1 ; Set return code for failure.
Return ; Return to the RUN_FILE subroutine.
@CHECK_FLAG_OTHER: ; Subroutine used for generic error.
LOG2 = "occurred while running 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host."
; Create a log description.
GoSub @ERROR ; Add the error number.
RES = 0 ; Set return code to neutral value.
Return ; Return to the RUN_FILE subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; LOOP - Pauses script by incrementing an integer.
; *******************************************************************
; NOTE: By default, the LOOP subroutine pauses the script for about five
; seconds. This time is determined by the number 50,000. You may need to
; increase or decrease this number depending on the speed of your remote
; computer however.
@LOOP: ; Subroutine used to pause the script.
I = 0 ; Reset the value of I to 0.
@LOOP_SCRIPT: ; Subroutine used loop the script.
I = I + 1 ; Increment the value of I.
If I != 50000 GoTo @LOOP_SCRIPT ; If not five seconds, loop.
Return ; Return to calling subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; ERROR - Writes error number to the log file.
; *******************************************************************
@ERROR: ; Subroutine used to trap errors.
ERR_COUNT = ERR_COUNT + 1 ; Increment how many errors occurred.
LOG = "Error " ; Create a log description.
StrCat LOG ERR ; Add the error number.
StrCat LOG " occurred " ; Add " occurred ".
StrCat LOG LOG2 ; Add the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
Return ; Return to the calling subroutine.
; *******************************************************************
; LOST CONNECTION - Write lost connection information to log file.
; *******************************************************************
@LOST_CONNECTION: ; Subroutine used to trap lost connections.
ERR_COUNT = ERR_COUNT + 1 ; Increment how many errors occurred.
LOG = "Error: lost connection to host '" ; Create description.
StrCat LOG HOST ; Add the host name.
StrCat LOG "'." ; End the description.
GoSub @WRITE_LOG ; Write the description to the log.
Return ; Return to the calling subroutine.
; **************************
; **************************
; ****************************************
; Subroutines
; How to Troubleshoot this Script
; Checking a Command's Results After it Runs - How to Use $RESULT
; Checking for Errors When a Script Runs - How to Use $ERROR
; Checking for Lost Connections - How to Use $DCD
; How to Use a Network or Cable to Connect to a Host Using a Script
; How to Convert an Integer to a String Variable
; How to Schedule a Script Using a Third Party Scheduler
; How to Program a Script to Schedule Itself
; How to Run a Script From a Command Line
; How to Create and Use a Log File
; How to Use a Data File to Call Multiple Host Computers
; How to Call a Host Computer
; How to Transfer Files
; How to Run a Program
; How to Pause a Script While a Program Runs
; Using "Infinite" Loops
; ***********
; The following briefly describes the subroutines that are found in this
; script:
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------
; VARIABLES Defines variables that will be used.
; MAIN The primary subroutine of the script which
; controls other subroutines.
; OPEN_FILES Creates or opens the log file LOG.PCA, the host
; data file DATA.PCA, and the sample application
; NEXT_HOST Reads the next host computer to call by reading
; the DATA.PCA text file.
; CALL_HOST Calls the next host computer.
; TRANSFER_FILE Transfers the C:\SCRIPT.BAT file from the remote
; computer to the host computer's C:\ drive.
; RUN_FILE Runs the SCRIPT.BAT file on the host computer
; and branches to the CHECK_FLAG subroutine to
; pause the script while it runs.
; WRITE_LOG Writes a text description defined by the calling
; subroutine to the log file.
; DISPLAY_LOG If any errors occurred while the script ran,
; displays the log file after the script has
; finished.
; CHECK_FLAG Pauses the script while looking for the flag
; file PCA.FLG on the host computer. This file is
; created when the SCRIPT.BAT file finishes. When
; this file is detected by the script, the script
; then continues where it left off.
; LOOP Pauses the script by looping an integer. This
; pauses the script for approximately five
; seconds.
; ERROR Writes the error number to the log file.
; LOST_CONNECTION Writes information about the lost connection to
; the log file.
; *******************************
; This script has been extensively tested before being released for
; public use. However, other factors could cause issues that would
; prevent this script from working correctly. Please check the following
; list to ensure that these are correct on your systems:
; 1. Have you modified the script in any way? Often people will change
; something in the script which would then cause it to not work
; correctly. This particularly pertains to the file names that the
; script uses, such as the LOG.PCA or the SCRIPT.BAT. Do you experience
; the same issue if you run the original SAMPLE.SCR file? If not, then
; the issue is in your modified version of the script. If so, then you
; are most likely experiencing some other type of issue.
; 2. Did you create the "MODEM" remote control item in the Remote Control
; section of your pcANYWHERE remote computer? This item is required by
; the script before it is able to dial your host computer correctly.
; This process is explained under SETUP AND INSTALLATION at the
; beginning of this script.
; 3. Did you install the script to the pcANYWHERE program directory? This
; script may not work correctly if installed to an alternate directory.
; This process is explained under SETUP AND INSTALLATION at the
; beginning of this script.
; 4. Do issues exist between the remote and host computers? Is the speed
; of the connection slow when connecting manually? Do you receive error
; messages or lost connections when connecting manually? If so, you
; will need to resolve these issues before continuing trying to use
; a script to connect them together.
; ***************************************************************
; The global variable $RESULT stores the result value of the last script
; command to run. $RESULT cannot be manually set by the script, such as
; in "$RESULT = 0", but is only set after a command finishes executing.
; The value of $RESULT will differ depending on which script command sets
; it. For more information on what each script command will set the value
; of $RESULT to, please refer to the appropriate script command in the
; Creating Scripts book.
; Because $RESULT is set by almost every script command, it is
; recommended to store the value of $RESULT in a user-defined variable
; before trying to check it or return a value from a GoSub...Return loop.
; For example, if you need to check $RESULT by using two consecutive
; If...Then commands, the first If...Then command will actually set the
; value of $RESULT itself, giving the second If...Then command an
; incorrect value because it was checking the previous command.
; This script uses the user defined variable RES to save the success or
; failure status of called subroutines from the MAIN subroutine. The
; status could have been passed back to it from the Return command,
; however as mentioned above, consecutive If...Then statements will change
; the value of $RESULT. Because of this, the status from a called
; subroutine is saved to RES, which allows the script to control exactly
; what values are saved and checked for. For example:
; SessOpr Remote Send "C:\DATA\*.DBF" "C:\NEW\"
; If RES <= 4 GoSub @ERROR
; If RES > 4 Then @OK
; Please note that the above example is not meant to be run by itself, but
; has been provided here as an example on how to set and check $RESULT.
; The first line transfers all *.DBF files from the remote's C:\DATA\
; directory to the host's C:\NEW\ directory. The second line assigns the
; value of $RESULT to the variable RES. The third line checks to see if at
; least five of the *.DBF files were sent successfully (four or less); if
; not, then the script will branch off to the ERROR subroutine. The last
; line double checks to see if four or more files were sent, if so then
; the script goes to the OK subroutine.
; **********************************************************
; The global variable $ERROR is similar to the $RESULT global variable,
; however it is set to the error condition of the last script command to
; run, whereas $RESULT is set to the result value of the last script
; command to run. If the value of $ERROR is a negative number, then the
; script encountered an error. If it is zero, then no errors occurred.
; It is important to check $ERROR to ensure that script commands worked
; correctly.
; Unlike $RESULT which is only set by the last script command, the value
; of $ERROR can be set manually by the script. It is recommended to set
; $ERROR to zero before running a command and checking it's value. If this
; is not done, then $ERROR will retain the last error value that set it;
; if a command runs and no errors occur, this does not reset $ERROR to
; zero. After the script command runs, check to see if $ERROR is less than
; zero; if so, than an error occurred. For example:
; $ERROR = 0
; SessOpr Remote Send "C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT" "C:\NEW.BAT"
; If $ERROR < 0 GoSub @ERROR
; Please note that the above example is not meant to be run by itself,
; but has been provided here as an example on how to set and check $ERROR.
; The first line resets the value of $ERROR to zero. The second line
; transfers the AUTOEXEC.BAT file to the host's new file NEW.BAT. The
; third line checks to see if any error occurred; if so, then the script
; will branch off to the ERROR subroutine.
; This script frequently checks $ERROR. If an error occurs, either a local
; subroutine is called, or the ERROR subroutine is called. These
; subroutines write the status of the error to the log file then continue
; where the script left off.
; ***********************************************
; The global variable $DCD (Data Carrier Detect) is used to check the
; status of the connection between the remote and host computers when
; modems are used. If you want to connect using a network or direct
; connection cable, please refer to the next section called "How to
; Use a Network or Cable to Connect to a Host Using a Script". It is
; important to check $DCD to ensure that a valid connection exists.
; If the value of $DCD is a one, then the computers are connected. If
; it is not equal to one (not necessarily zero), then the computers did
; not connect or the connection was dropped (lost connection) while in
; a session. Like $RESULT, $DCD cannot be set manually by the script but
; is set according to the connection status of the modems.
; Important Note for Lost Connections: The value of $DCD is used to check
; to see if the remote computer is still connected to the host computer by
; modems. However, the value of $DCD may be unreliable because if a lost
; connection occurs, the remote computer's modem may take a few moments to
; detect and report this. If this is the case, the pcANYWHERE Scripting
; Language will be unable to detect the lost connection as well. Different
; timing issues on the remote computer that could play a part in this
; delay are: the type of modem it uses, the TAPI driver used or it's
; initialization string, the speed of the remote computer, and the phone
; lines involved. Because of these facts, you may or may not encounter
; issues while checking for a lost connection, depending on how the lost
; connection occurred. For example, if you drop the connection on the host
; computer by unplugging it's phone line, the remote computer will usually
; not be able to detect this immediately. However, a lost connection
; which occurred due to phone line noise, i.e., a real lost connection not
; a simulated one, should be usually detected and accounted for.
; It is important to check the value of $DCD before running the following
; commands: SessOpr Remote Send and SessOpr Host Send, SessOpr Remote Run
; and SessOpr Host Run, and Session End. Also, $DCD should be checked
; after a Session Dial command to ensure that a connection was established
; correctly. These five commands can only be run from a session started by
; the Session Dial command. If they are used and a session is not active,
; then several issues may occur, such as: an "AWREM32" error message, a
; "Fatal Exception" error message, an "Invalid Script File" error message,
; the script hangs, a black Terminal window appears, or script error
; messages -23 or -26 appear. Therefore, the value of $DCD needs to be a 1
; before running one of these commands; $DCD should be used to check this
; before running them. The following is an example on how to check the
; value of $DCD before running one of these commands:
; SessOpr Host Send "C:\NEW\*.DOC" "C:\DOCS\"
; Please note that the above example is not meant to be run by itself, but
; has been provided here as an example on how to set and check $DCD. Also,
; $ERROR checking was left out; normally the script should set $ERROR to
; zero before running the command, and then check it's value after the
; command finishes running. (As outlined in the prior example for $ERROR.)
; The first line checks $DCD to see if it is not equal to one; if it is
; not, then a lost connection occurred and the script will then branch off
; to the LOST_CONNECTION subroutine. The second line transfers the all
; *.DOC files in the host computer's C:\NEW\ directory to the remote
; computer's C:\DOCS\ directory.
; This script frequently checks $DCD. If a lost connection is found,
; either a local subroutine is called, or the LOST_CONNECTION subroutine
; is called. These subroutines write the status of the lost connection
; to the log file then continue where the script left off.
; *****************************************************************
; The global variable $DCD (Data Carrier Detect) is used to check for the
; connection status of modem connections. However, since there is no
; $DCD value for a network or cable connection, this variable cannot be
; used to check for these types of connections.
; If you want to use this sample script to connect to a network or cable
; host, then you will need to remove any line that checks for the value
; of $DCD. Since $DCD will equal a 0, indicating that no modem connection
; is present, even though the remote connected correctly to a network or
; cable host, it will immediately detect it as a lost connection and
; act accordingly as programmed into this script.
; There is no good way to detect whether or not a remote is connected to
; a network or direct connect host, however. A direct connect host has
; no method to determine if it is connected, other than trying to transfer
; a test file to it to see if the connection is valid. This may cause the
; script or remote to hang, since the SessOpr Remote Send command should
; only be used in a valid remote control session. Therefore, this is not
; a good work around, but is the only one that is known.
; For a network connection, a better work around is to have the script run
; a batch file to copy a file to a network drive, and then use the IF EXIST
; batch file command to see if the file was successfully sent. If so, the
; batch file could create a dummy flag file that the script waits to find.
; If the script finds this file, then it can assume that the network
; connection has been successful and then continue the script.
; **********************************************
; Variable conversion is a straightforward process in the pcANYWHERE
; Scripting Language. Just assign the string variable to the integer
; variable, and the conversion is complete.
; It may be more difficult to convert a string to an integer however.
; The string cannot contain any letters or special characters, otherwise
; the conversion cannot take place. The following are some examples of
; performing both types of conversions:
; String X[5]
; Integer Y
; Y = 5
; X = Y ; Assigns the value of Y, 5, to the string X.
; X = "6"
; Y = X ; Assigns the value of X, 6, to the integer Y.
; ******************************************************
; The recommended method to schedule a script to run at a later date
; and time is to use a third party scheduler, such as the one
; supplied with Norton AntiVirus. The scheduler would run the script by
; using the pcANYWHERE command line syntax. Please refer to the section
; "How to Run a Script from a Command Line" for more information.
; ******************************************
; If you do not have a third party scheduler, then you can use either the
; Wait Until or Session Dial commands to "schedule" your script for you.
; Both of these commands can use optional date and time parameters to
; suspend script operations until the date and time that you specify. For
; example:
; Wait Until 2359 19991221
; The Wait Until command will pause the script from continuing until
; 11:59 PM on December 21st, 1999. (This will only work if the remote
; pcANYWHERE is pcAnywhere 9.0 or pcANYWHERE32 8.0. All other versions
; only use the last two digits of the year instead of four digits.) Both
; the Wait Until and Session Dial commands use a 24-hour time format, so
; 11:59 PM becomes 2359.
; You can run the script any time before the target time, such as when you
; go home from work for the day. The script will respond with a black
; terminal window, which is what the script looks like while it is
; waiting to begin execution. (This window can be minimized if the
; remote computer is running Windows so that you can continue working on
; the remote computer.) Once the time is reached, the script then begins
; it's normal execution.
; A disabled Wait Until command is available for you to use at the
; beginning of the MAIN subroutine.
; Additional information about using the Wait command can be found in the
; NOTE 1 section of the MAIN subroutine.
; ***************************************
; Each version of pcANYWHERE requires a different command line:
; pcAnywhere 9.0 and pcANYWHERE32 8.0: AWREM32.EXE <script name>.SCR
; pcANYWHERE 2.0: WINAW.EXE -O=R -M=S -N=<script name>.SCR
; pcANYWHERE 5.0: AW.EXE /O:S /M:S /N:<script name>.SCR
; Please note that the above examples must include full path names to the
; executable file and the script file. Also, if the path name is longer
; than eight characters or has spaces, you may need to enclose the path
; name in quotation marks:
; ********************************
; A log file can be created that will record the success or failure of
; specific procedures when the script runs. The values of $ERROR or $DCD
; can be checked by other subroutines in the script, and when an error
; occurs, logged into the log file.
; This script creates a log file called LOG.PCA. Each entry in the log
; file includes the date and time that they were made, which is performed
; by the WRITE_LOG subroutine.
; The log file is stored in the pcANYWHERE program directory. To view this
; log file, use any text editor or word processor. The last script session
; to run is added to the bottom of the log file information.
; Please refer to the OPEN_FILES and WRITE_LOG subroutines to learn how to
; create and write to a log file respectively.
; Please note that a log file's scope is to save success or failure
; information on procedures that the script performs. Events that occur
; outside of the pcANYWHERE Scripting Language, such as the remote
; computer hanging while a script runs, it beyond the script's ability to
; detect and account for.
; Troubleshooting note: if the script hangs or is terminated while it is
; running, the log file may remain open and you may not be able to run the
; script again without getting an error, or be able to view the log file.
; If so, close pcANYWHERE and then load pcANYWHERE again. If you still
; cannot run the script or view the log file, you will need to reboot the
; remote computer.
; The following is an example of a log file generated by this script:
; **** pcANYWHERE Script Log File ****
; 12/22/97 13:47:45 Starting script.
; 12/22/97 13:47:45 Calling host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:48:17 Successfully connected to host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:48:20 Transfer of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' was successful.
; 12/22/97 13:48:23 Executing 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host...
; 12/22/97 13:48:26 Execution of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host was successful.
; 12/22/97 13:48:26 Disconnecting from host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:48:33 Calling host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:49:04 Successfully connected to host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:49:06 Transfer of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' was successful.
; 12/22/97 13:49:08 Executing 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host...
; 12/22/97 13:49:12 Execution of 'C:\SCRIPT.BAT' on the host was successful.
; 12/22/97 13:49:12 Disconnecting from host 'MODEM'.
; 12/22/97 13:49:19 Script completed with 0 error(s).
; ******************************************************
; A script can use a text data file to call multiple host computers. This
; can save you from having to create repetitive blocks of code and allow
; you to use the same set of code for each host computer.
; This script creates it's own data file, the DATA.PCA file. However, the
; remote user would normally create this on their own in the pcANYWHERE
; program directory by using a text editor or word processor. This file
; must be saved as a standard text file.
; Each line in the data file corresponds to a remote control item of the
; same name. Each of the remote control items in pcANYWHERE requires the
; host computer's phone number, and any logon name or password that may
; also be required. It is not possible to use a list of phone numbers
; instead of a list of host names: the pcANYWHERE Scripting Language
; cannot call a host computer using a phone number but requires a remote
; control item for each host computer that has it's phone number specified
; in it's properties.
; The DATA.PCA file that this script creates will call the same host
; MODEM twice, and will look like this:
; If certain hosts failed to connect or failed in their operations while
; connected to the remote, a specialized DATA.PCA file can be made with
; only the names of the ones to be recalled after the main script has run.
; This is done manually by the remote user. Just create a new DATA.PCA
; file, renaming the old one temporarily, with only the host names to call
; back. After these complete you can then delete the temporary DATA.PCA
; file and rename the original.
; Troubleshooting note: if you misspell a host computer name in your data
; file, or the host computer name does not exist in the remote control
; section of the remote computer's pcANYWHERE, the error message "File
; Not Found" will appear and the script may end abruptly. If this occurs,
; double check that you have spelled the host computer names correctly and
; that remote control items exist.
; For information on how to read the data file, please refer to the
; NEXT_HOST subroutine. This subroutine reads the next host to call from
; the data file and assign's it's value to the user-defined HOST variable.
; ***************************
; The only command that can be used to call a host computer is the Session
; Dial command. This command calls the host computer using a pcANYWHERE
; remote control item that has the host computer's phone number, and any
; logon or password information already configured in it's properties.
; This script uses the subroutine CALL_HOST to call the host computers.
; This subroutine also configures other options for the connection, such
; as the retry value if the connection could not be established. Please
; refer to the CALL_HOST subroutine for more information.
; Several important notes on calling a host computer with a script are
; listed below:
; * When connected to a host computer, only specific script commands are
; supported. These include the SessOpr Remote Send, SessOpr Remote Run,
; SessOpr Host Send, SessOpr Host Run and Session End. While other
; commands can be used, they may introduce issues. Also, some script
; commands are designed to be used with online services only, such as
; the Send File and Receive File commands. These type of commands
; should not be used while connected to a host computer.
; * The session is non-interactive. If the host computer is in use when
; the script calls into it, issues may occur. If you attempt to use the
; host computer remotely while the script runs, issues may occur.
; * A script cannot interact with a program, nor send text or keystrokes
; to a program. This includes sending keystrokes to data fields, such as
; logon prompts for a network or email program. This is because a script
; cannot set focus on a window or a field so that it can send the text
; to it.
; * If a connection to a host cannot be established, pcANYWHERE will take
; over and pause until returning control to the script. For example,
; pcANYWHERE will first display "Waiting for Connection" while it is
; trying to call the host computer. After it fails, it will display
; "Timeout Waiting for Connection". Both of these windows will stay on
; the screen for one minute each. Then control will return to the
; script, which is set to wait an additional minute before calling the
; same host back, which it will do three times.
; *********************
; Files can be transferred between the remote and host computers by using
; a script. This is performed by the SessOpr Remote Send and the SessOpr
; Host Send commands respectively. (The Send File and Receive File
; commands are only used when connected to an online service.)
; This script uses the TRANSFER_FILE subroutine to transfer a single file
; from the remote computer to the host computer. In addition to this, the
; source file name is defined by the user-defined SOURCE variable. By
; using a variable, a more robust method for logging the result of
; multiple file transfers can be used instead of creating specific log
; entries. (This script does not use this feature since it only transfers
; one file. However if you have multiple file transfers that take place,
; extra code would not need to be created to record the file transfer's
; results to the log file with the file name that was transferred.)
; Please refer to the FILE_TRANSFER subroutine for more information. Also,
; for more information on how to perform file transfers, please refer to
; the Symantec Knowledge Base article called "How to Transfer Files to or
; From a Host Computer".
; If you are using pcAnywhere 9.0 or pcANYWHERE32 8.0 you will need to add
; a GoSub @LOOP after each file transfer routine. File transfers will
; proceed best if you use a separate routine for each file transfer such
; as:
; SOURCE = "<path><file name>"
; $ERROR = 0
; SessOpr Remote Send SOURCE "<path><file name>"
; LOG = "Transfer of '"
; LOG2 = "' was successful."
; StrCat LOG LOG2
; RES = 0
; GoSub @LOOP
; SOURCE = "<path><file name>"
; $ERROR = 0
; SessOpr Remote Send SOURCE "<path><file name>"
; LOG = "Transfer of '"
; LOG2 = "' was successful."
; StrCat LOG LOG2
; RES = 0
; GoSub @LOOP
; Return ;Return to main routine at the end of the last
; ;file transfer routine
; Please note that the above example is not meant to be run by itself, but
; has been provided here as an example on how to transfer multiple files with
; a script.
; ********************
; A program can be run on the remote or host computer while in a session.
; However, if the program is run on a Windows-based computer, the script
; cannot tell when it has finished running. If the script needs to tell
; when the program finishes, a special method of detecting this may need
; to be used. Please refer to the section below called "How to Pause a
; Script While a Program Runs" for more information.
; A script can use three different commands to run a program:
; * SessOpr Remote Run, to run a program on the remote computer while in a
; session.
; * SessOpr Host Run, to run a program on the host computer while in a
; session.
; * Run, to run a program on the remote computer while not in a session.
; All three of these function basically the same, with the exception that
; the two SessOpr commands cannot be run outside of a session.
; It is recommended to specify the full path name of the program to run.
; Also, if it is DOS-based, you may need to specify the command
; interpreter as well. For example, the following command runs the
; MS-DOS EDIT command:
; The "COMMAND.COM /C" is the command interpreter. The "/C" switch for the
; command interpreter tells the window to close after it has finished (if
; the command was run from within Windows). Otherwise, the DOS window will
; stay open and the user will need to close it manually.
; Windows NT must use the START command to run DOS programs, otherwise
; control will not be returned. This is the same as using the "/C", but is
; required for Windows NT.
; ******************************************
; If a script runs a program on a Windows-based computer, it cannot detect
; when the program finishes. If the script is required to pause while the
; program runs, this can be an issue. The reason a script cannot detect
; when a program finishes is because Windows is a multitasking operating
; system. The script will run the program, but as a separate task in a
; window. The script has no control over this window and cannot detect
; when it closes.
; Several methods are available which allow a script to pause while a
; program runs, however most are not reliable. The Wait command can pause
; a script, however it is not recommended to use this command while a
; session is active. If a lost connection occurs while the Wait command is
; being used, the remote computer may hang or the script may encounter
; errors. The SessOpr Remote Run and SessOpr Host Run commands using the
; optional Wait parameter only work if the application is run on a DOS-
; based computer. (Not a DOS window run from within Windows.) To correctly
; pause a script while a program runs, a special procedure will need to be
; used.
; One procedure of pausing a script is to create a loop that uses computer
; cycles, such as incrementing an integer variable. This script uses this
; procedure (the LOOP subroutine) for creating short pauses. However, this
; process is not accurate enough to be used if the script needs to know
; exactly when a program is finished.
; The best procedure that can pause a script while a program runs is
; described below, which uses a flag file to detect when the program has
; finished running:
; Step 1. The script runs the program.
; Step 2. The script goes into a loop where it tries to detect the
; existence of a flag file which is created by the program when
; it finishes. If it cannot find the file, then it continues to
; search until it is found or a set number of searches have been
; completed.
; Step 3. After the script detects the flag file, it then continues where
; it left off.
; This script uses the CHECK_FLAG subroutine to perform this procedure.
; The following is an excerpt from the CHECK_FLAG subroutine:
; @CHECK_FLAG: ; Subroutine used to pause the script.
; LOOP = 0 ; Reset the value of LOOP to 0.
; @CHECK_FLAG_FILE: ; Subroutine used find flag file.
; GoSub @LOOP ; Pause script for five seconds.
; LOOP = LOOP + 1 ; Increment the value of LOOP.
; If LOOP == 24 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_ERROR ; If LOOP takes too long, abort.
; If $DCD != 1 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_LOST ; If lost connection, end loop.
; $ERROR = 0 ; Reset the value of $ERROR to 0.
; SessOpr Host Send "C:\PCA.FLG" "C:\PCA.FLG" ; Attempt file transfer.
; If $ERROR == -8 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_FILE ; If file not found, loop.
; If $ERROR < 0 GoTo @CHECK_FLAG_OTHER ; If other error, end loop.
; The @CHECK_FLAG subroutine has a single line. This resets the value of
; the user-defined LOOP variable to a zero. The LOOP variable is
; discussed in more detail below.
; The @CHECK_FLAG_FILE subroutine is where the actual check for the
; existence of the flag file occurs at. The command lines for this
; excerpt are described below:
; 1. GoSub @LOOP. This pauses the script for approximately five seconds
; by branching to the LOOP subroutine. This is important to use
; because otherwise the script will loop too quickly while checking
; for the flag file and could result in memory issues on the remote
; computer.
; 2. LOOP = LOOP + 1. This increments the LOOP variable by one. When the
; script loops too many times, the CHECK_FLAG subroutine will
; automatically timeout, as described below.
; subroutine has looped twenty-four times, about two minutes, abort
; the subroutine because an error may have occurred that is preventing
; the flag file from being detected. If this check does not occur, the
; script may hang and go into an infinite loop. By changing the number
; 24 to a larger or smaller number, the script will wait a longer or
; shorter amount of time. This is based on a five second pause when the
; script branches to the LOOP subroutine times the number that it
; checks here; 24 times 5 seconds is two minutes.
; 4. The connection status of the modems is checked. If the remote
; computer is no longer connected to the host computer, the subroutine
; is aborted.
; 5. The value of $ERROR is reset to zero before trying to detect the flag
; file by file transferring it to the remote computer.
; 6. The script attempts to transfer the flag file PCA.FLG from the host
; computer to the remote computer.
; 7. If the file was not found (error -8), then the subroutine loops back
; to the beginning and continues until it is able to transfer the file
; or the LOOP variable times out.
; 8. If any other error occurred, the script aborts.
; This script uses the flag file PCA.FLG. Since this file will at some
; point exist on both the remote and host computers, it needs to be
; deleted before the CHECK_FLAG subroutine runs. Otherwise, the
; CHECK_FLAG subroutine will detect it on the host computer, and assume
; that the program is finished running. The RUN_FILE subroutine is used
; to delete the PCA.FLG files on both the remote and host computers
; before it runs the sample application SCRIPT.BAT file on the host
; computer, then it branches to the CHECK_FLAG subroutine until the
; real PCA.FLG file has been detected.
; The SCRIPT.BAT file creates the PCA.FLG file when it finishes. All that
; this file does is the following:
; C:
; CD \
; DIR /A
; The first line sets the echo off for output from any following commands.
; The second line changes to the C: drive. The third line changes to the
; root drive of the C: drive. The fourth line then displays the directory
; of the C: root directory and all files found in it. After it finishes,
; it creates the dummy file PCA.FLG by piping the contents of the
; directory to the file name by using a DIR command.
; A batch file only needs the following three lines of code to create the
; flag file:
; C:
; CD \
; The CHECK_FLAG subroutine requires a batch file to be used so that it
; can then create the flag file after it has finished with it's normal
; operations. However, if you have the ability to create a Visual BASIC
; or other executable application, it can also be used so long as when it
; finishes, it creates the flag file. However, it is up to you to create
; your own batch file or executable application.
; **********************
; Using a subroutine that loops an "infinite" amount of times (over and
; over again), or loops so many times that it takes a long period of time
; to complete, is not usually recommended. Such infinite loops are very
; likely to cause issues on the remote computer, such as causing the
; script to hang, or cause an Unexpected program error message.
; If you need a subroutine to perform an infinite loop, there are two
; things which you can do to minimize how many issues may occur. This
; includes using a check variable that stops the loop if it's value
; is exceeded, and using a sub-loop to pause the looping for a short
; period of time to allow the remote to process other computer cycles.
; The CHECK_FLAG subroutine in this script uses the LOOP variable as
; a check variable. Each time the subroutine loops, the check variable
; is incremented by one. Once this variable is 24 or more, the script
; then assumes an error has occurred and aborts the loop.
; The CHECK_FLAG subroutine also uses a sub-loop to pause it from
; continually looping without delay. At the beginning of the subroutine,
; the LOOP subroutine is called. This subroutine also performs loops,
; but does so very quickly by incrementing a variable 40,000 times to
; simulate approximately a five second delay. After this loop finishes,
; control returns to the CHECK_FLAG subroutine.